Coyote Pretty

Took my dog out for a walk earlier this morning and saw this guy. Blends so well. We would not see him unless he crossed the trail in front of us. Btw, dog never had a clue that a wild one is near, he just saw it as another “dog”.

Free Solo

Went out this morning to get some fresh air before high winds roll in (they are as I write it). It was super calm, no wind what so ever. Saw this guy in the air and had just enough time to get my phone out and snap, as it dissappeared behind into the mountains. At the bottom it happens to be downtown Denver.

Gorgeous day

Beautiful day in front range and Boulder Colorado. Weather report says high winds for Saturday and Sunday, not sure if I decide to go up into high country, will have to see how it goes. Meanwhile let’s enjoy pretty windless Friday!

When it rains, it snows

When it rains in Boulder Colorado, it snows just a few hundred feet higher. Rained over night, woke up to blue skies and this view.

Red Rocks

From a few days ago when we had our latest snowstorm. Red Rocks in Boulder Colorado. Usually when someone mentions Red Rocks people think of Colorado Springs, but we do have it here in Boulder as well. Much smaller, yet visible from most parts in central Boulder and the views from there are very nice as well.