Friday Mystery Photo

Pier to No Where

Got to love this pier, starts in the middle of the lake, and ends kind of short of the shore, or vise versa. In any case you have to swim to get there. I didn’t see any signs prohibiting its use, so it probably get some sun bathers on the warmer days.

As always, on Friday I don’t disclose the location of the photo and let you guys to tell us where it is, assuming you have been there and have seen it or maybe seen it somewhere else on the interwebs. thanks for stopping by!

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As we walked over this bridge and I turned back to look at it, I thought that it would probably make a nice bridge photo. Even so we were tired and ready to walk back to hotel I’m glad I took couple minutes to take it. 

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Friday Mystery Photo

As we were crossing a street I spotted this art on the side of some kind of utility box. I told my wife: “Hey, look, they painted a toothless pike! Wow!” To which she responded that I must have had too many beers at the bar we just left. Of course, it is not a pike, but that that was the first thing I imagined when I saw it, as it reminded me of some Russian fairly tale children books, where pike was one of the main characters.

We both felt that it deserve a photo, thankfully I had my camera with me, already on a tripod.

Any one seen it and remember where it is? As always, I’ll update the post sometime this weekend with location and anyone who got it right.

Saturday Update: This one was a hard one guys. This week no one identified that you can see this art in the down town of Coeur d’Alene in Idaho. I’ll try to find something a bit easier and more known for next Friday.

Toothless Pike - Click to see me large!

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Coeur d’Alene

Coeur d’Alene is a cool town on the north side of the Coeur d’Alene Lake in Idaho. We stayed there for couple nights and had good walks along the Spokane river. The building on the right is their main resort, a bit shmancy fancy place with shmancy fancy dressed up guests. We didn’t stay at it, but walked through couple times and even thought about taking a boat tour on the lake, but thankfully decided against it, as it was super hot and would be very unpleasant on the lake, expensive and food didn’t sound that good.

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