National Mall Tree

Couple nights ago I made my way to the National Mall in Washington DC. I was looking for the National Christmas Tree. I parked not far from the Lincoln Memorial in hopes that I’ll see all kind of lights and other holiday magic on the National Mall. Hmm. There was nothing, it was dark around the pool, even most street lights even dark. I walked all the way to the Washington Memorial and didn’t see a single holiday light. From there I finally spotted lights near the White House, so headed there.

When I saw the tree, I was a bit disappointed. How small it is. I imagined it to be at least twice this high. In the dark with that blanket of lights on it at first I thought that maybe it is not it, maybe it is just some type of cone structure to make it look like a tree, maybe there is one somewhere else. After some examination I believe I could actually see the tree under the lights, so it must be the one. I wonder if there it some type of policy or law that dictates on how tall it can be.

Two images today, this one from one side

Click me!

and this one from the other

Click me!

3 thoughts on “National Mall Tree

  1. I too guessed hdr. Nice job though and I wound not have seen it if I did not stop in here. So this is our national tree? It looks like you can see through it. Department stores do it better and bigger. Hope Washington does not get too upset with my comment. I am disappointed too.

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