Perfect Sunrise

I’m not a morning person, I do like to sleep in and getting up for sunrise is very painful. I can’t tell you how many times this year I got up in hopes to get a nice sunrise picture. A lot. Unfortunately pretty much all of them were either with full overcast or not a single cloud in the sky. Just this past week I was visiting relatives in PA and got up every morning in hopes that clouds would just have tiny little break on the horizon and give me a show. Nope.

I took this photo almost 12 month ago. It snowed the night before and overall it was an overcast, but on the horizon there was just a little break and for about ten minutes I had this amazing show of light. I probably took half a dozen or more pictures that morning. Why couldn’t every morning when I managed to get out be like this?

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19 thoughts on “Perfect Sunrise

    1. It is when you look at it. It was very cold that morning, so couldn’t really relax and enjoy it at that time. It doesn’t really look very cold on this one. If you take a look at a few other photos from the same area you’ll see that everything was frozen.

  1. Awesome capture !!! Am not a morning person either…and i can well imagine the cold on top of it !! Phew !! But ur venturing out that day really did pay off wonderfully 🙂 Amazing snap !! Brilliant colors !

  2. Went to your gallery and was very impressed by your work. Wonderful. Very good at capturing light and creativ compositions. The one thing about crepuscular activity (dawn/dusk) is that it provides some of the best light contrasts and depths of fields (long shadows). Being a morning person myself, I don’t miss many sunrises, and never tire of seeing the magic of a new day birthing forth.
    Was wondering what kind of camera or cameras you use to capture your images,if you don’t mind? Again, I really appreciate your photography.

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