Golden Gates

On my prior visits to San Francisco, which were business oriented, I never had a chance to see Golden Gate Bridge up close and personal. On this trip I made sure we see it from a few different places. In fact as soon as we arrived to San Francisco, we drove over the bridge to he north side and enjoyed the view. I took a few photos, duh.., here is one of them. It was around 11PM and bitterly cold with winds from the Pacific, but parking area was fairly full and at least 3-4 other groups of folks, interestingly, mostly speaking Japanese and Chinese hanging around and taking some photos and even videos of the bridge with city behind it. Popular spot.

I wondered at that time how busy it would be here during nice sunny day. Couple days later we drove by during the day, it was like a zoo.  So if you ever come there, make sure to time it right.

Click me!

37 thoughts on “Golden Gates

  1. Beautiful shot of the bridge. Looking at the unlit vertical cables, they appear transparent and let light from the city come through (or around?) them. Is that a scaling artifact or is it present in your full size shot?

    1. Hi, yes, city lights dominate over the cables and “consume” them. This is a full size shot, it is how I framed it, no cropping here. I took some landscape too with entire bridge in the frame, those will be published sometime soon.

  2. Fantastic shot of my hometown! It’s rare to get a time when the wind isn’t freezing and there are no crowds – but glad you’ve found it is possible.

  3. Hi Dmitrii,
    Thanks for liking my post, aussies, caches & del taco. I love your photos; clicked to follow you as soon as I saw the first photo. Fantastic shots. Looking forward to future posts.

    1. thanks, on my first visit to San Francisco, almost 13 years ago, it was in July as well. I had normal summer clothes and had to go and buy coat and sweater to stay warm. it is never summer there.

  4. San Francisco is my favorite city! When I lived there for 7 years I don’t think we ever went to the bridge. Sure, we saw it, even drove over it occasionally. But never actually visited it. So I’m not surprised by the mostly Chinese and Japanese tourists late at night. You’ve managed to capture a new angle of the bridge and it’s a beauty. Love it. Oh, and to you and My Pursuit Of Perfection above, summer in San Francisco is gorgeous if you know when to visit. Usually between 2 and 4 pm on August 17th of any year!

  5. Hi
    Fantastic photo of the bridge. I was in San Francisco a couple of times many moons ago but am not handy with a camera. You have captured it so well. Thanks too for your likes on my posts.

  6. Nice! Twice I’ve been to San Francisco, but neither time did I have a camera. One of these days I’ll try and go again, and when I do, I think I will be looking for this spot 🙂

  7. Ah yes, now you’re in my part of the world…well done! You very efficiently have captured a scene I’ve observed a million times!

  8. Thank you for visiting Pride In Photos today! I have browsed thru your website and it is just fantastic! You should be really proud of the work you are accomplishing here. I have a question for you and I am not sure of the terminology to use…how do you stop wordpress from distoring your pictures where they are now grainy etc once they are uploaded? Thank you for your help! Laurie

    1. Hi, I’m doing anything special when I upload them. I use Windows Live Writer to write my posts, put photos into it and then publish it. Photos are uploaded by Windows Live Writer. But I uploaded photos via wordpress upload tools and they are not grainy either.

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