
Hello all and thank you for checking out my photography! I’m Boulder Colorado based adventure seeking outdoor enthusiast, using my free time to explore great state of Colorado and surrounding areas. You can find me on Instagram as “TheBoulderDude”.

I try to find a unique angle from my travels and exploration and show it via my photography. There are day to day photos shown here and on Instagram, and there is a collection of my favorite ones that I show in my gallery at https://print.placesunknown.com – check it out! Photos in my gallery collection are high resolution and can be used as wall art or printed on many other mediums.

Over the years I have had a fortune to visit all 50 US States and many countries around the world. Currently I’m working on a project to take photos from most of the Colorado 14ers and many 13ers, and hike as many trails in Colorado front range as I can. 

I appreciate your support!

432 thoughts on “About

  1. Your photos are awesome. And the narratives are perfect for each. I’m still browsing now and glad I stumbled upon your blog. 🙂 Keep sharing you wonderful work and thanks!

    1. Thanks TheBlackTwig! Happy travels, you have been to many places and have some cool photos and stories. I’ll be checking it out more!

  2. Howdy –

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I’m glad you did, it looks like I’m going to enjoy seeing the photos you post of your travels.

  3. Thanks for liking my That’s Progress over at 20 Lines A Day. I’m going to take some time now to look at what you’re doing here in your own blog. 🙂

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog, Dmitrii. I appreciate the story of how you have arrived at your current point in your photography. I took a look at a few of your images and enjoyed them, I’ll add your blog to my reading list.

  5. Dimitrii, stunning photos here! Thanks for sharing – and thanks for dropping by my blog recently. (I think I’ve seen you in the smugmug dailies, too, no?)

  6. Hello Dimitrii,

    Thank you very much for visiting my blog!
    I’ll follow your blog, if you don’t mind – you have really great pictures 🙂
    And it was interesting to learn that you lived in China. I lived in Taiwan when I was a child.

  7. Hey Dimitri, I just checked out your work after you liked my last blog post. Great stuff.
    Thanks for stopping by. I’ll make sure to keep up with yours!

  8. Dimitri,

    Thanks for the “thumbs up”. After viewing your site, I see we have much in common—-the priority is to get that image—- not necessarily the one in front of the camera, , but the image that resides in our mind.

  9. Thanks for liking my blog Dimitri. I wish my photos were half as good as yours! Your work is really impressive – and your comments on your choice of equipment are also really useful. Keep up the good work! Colin

  10. Dmitrii it was great that you took the time to “like” my blog post. I hope my modest photos were of interest to you, and suggested that if you ever travel to north Idaho, be sure and bring your camera! Your artistry with photos is fun and refreshing.

  11. Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!
    Really nice work, I’m envious!! : )
    Thanks so much for visiting my blog and liking my recent photo post. It’s encouraging and appreciated!

  12. I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award, which I hope you’ll accept and enjoy! The rules can be found on my page. Congratulations! (:

    Have a lovely day!

  13. Happy New Year, Dmitrii, thanks for liking my southwestern Ontario You’re Welcome blog. I love your pics, and thanks for the In My Bag, as I am considering buying a dslr and I appreciate your insight. I love taking photos and thanks for sharing yours.

  14. Thanks, Dmitrii, for the like on my Photo of the Week today. When I get my new camera, I hope to capture shots as impressive as yours. Will follow along to get an idea of what I will be able to accomplish in the future.

  15. Your blog and photographs are amazing…beautiful work and thanks for sharing it with us . Looking forward to following your work

    And also thank you for liking my post on 20Lines a day !

  16. Hi Dimitri,this is a nice introduction to your blog and thanks for visiting mine; nice to meet you. Now that we have that out of the way, I will take time to browse your pictures and leave comments along the way. I’ll come back as often as I can.

  17. Thanks for liking my post! Hope you could visit my country, the Philippines soon. There are 7,107 islands to choose from! I think you’ll have more beautiful pictures than those that I took (me not being that much a photo savvy). Anyways, i’ll be going to two other spots/islands and will post them by the end of the month. Again, thanks for stopping by my blog.

  18. Hey there, I just want to say thanks for liking a bunch of my posts on my blog Misguided Ghost. I really appreciate it. Though, your photography blows mine out of the water. It’s fantastic. Keep up the good work and thanks again!

  19. I just adore your photos. I am really into photoblogs, I’ve had one for a couple months now. It makes me so happy to see people take such astonishing photos. Thank you for this.

  20. wow – you do some really great work here. thanks for liking my post… can you please recommend a good camera that will work for me? You’re more advanced that I am… obviously! LOL

  21. Dmitri, besides your photographs, I wanted to compliment you on your licensing page. It is really well written and clear.

    1. Thanks Doug, I found language for Licensing page somewhere on the Internet and slightly adjusted it for my blog. In my opinion legal type of language is better reuse if possible.

  22. Thank you for liking my ever-so-humble post. Your photographs are absolutely gorgeous! You capture such a deep perspective, such depth of field. I’m only doing point-and-shoot stuff, so I don’t dream of getting results like yours, but one day, when I buy a serious camera… I love the vanishing point on pathways & you have so many good examples of shots with that. I could just look at images of trails and roads going into the distance forever!

  23. Thanks for your support on Bruges in December, Dimitrii. I liked your HDR Tutorials a lot, too – very well written and set out. I particularly like the image used for Part 3. Hopefully Bruges in December parts two and three will be up soon (time permitting as always!)….

  24. Dmitrii – I nominate you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Here are the rule for the Versatile Blogger Award:

    -Thank the award-giver and link back to them in your post
    -Share 7 things about yourself
    -Pass this award along to 15 recently discovered blogs you enjoy reading
    -Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know about the award

  25. Hello Dmitrii, I am glad you visited my blog and gave me an opportunity to discover your beautiful work. Just five minutes beforehand my husband suggested we go back to DC, and then I saw your DC shots. That feels like a good sign! Do you have any from Hawaii?

  26. Awesome! This post is full of shutterbug passion 🙂 I’m in the embryonic stages of a photography obsession so things like HDR seem quite intimidating at the moment. All in good time I suppose.

    1. nope, have not made a single cent from it yet. I have full time job that I like, so this is just an expensive hobby… hopefully one day get more exposure and make some $, at least to pay for camera and some vacation expenses. Monetizing on it is much harder than it sounds.

  27. Wow an impressive array of posts from all around the world with great photography to boot! Browsing your blog has really given me the inspiration to keep going with my own tiny blog. I hope mine can one day be as tenth as amazing as this one!

  28. Thank you for taking time to check out my blog. I absolutely love your photography, especially the night shots.
    You have a great eye for color and composition!

  29. Dmitrii – I notice a lot of North Carolina in your blog. If/when you come back, let me know – I’d love to go out and shoot with you!

  30. Thank you for liking my ‘More through the window’ photos. After viewing the quality of your work I am flattered that you found time to drop by. The slideshow provides an excellent introduction to your gallery.

  31. First of all i would like to say a sincere thank you for building up this space with much effort to keep inspire little people like me. I admire that you have the opportunities to travel to so many different places and took a lot of stunning images. The way you approach your work and even your life is what i secretly go after for.. Thanks for visiting my blog so that i could discover such an amazing site of yours 🙂 You have just got yourself a keen follower! Cheers!


  32. Thank You for the Like on my post Dmitrii! I truly appreciate.
    and oh boy! you were very elaborate with the licensing page. Should everybody in photography have a page like that?
    Because I assume immediately when I enter a photography blog of an author that there are copyrights,and for sure some types of licensing… I don’t think it’s just me assuming that. Or am I too optimistic ?! 🙂
    Best wishes!

  33. Hi Dimitrii! Thank you for visiting my blog “Eyes to Heart” and liking my entry “Fuijsan.” When I look at your beautiful work I consider your feedback a real compliment. You capture such beautiful images! I’m going to follow you for inspiration … 🙂

  34. I, too, got here via a post you liked of mine. It’s nice to virtually “meet” you Dmitrii, and even though I am fairly sure you’re just trolling all photography blogs and clicking like on the newest post to bring in readers to your site, I do think your work is lovely.

    Just try to actually connect with people and their blogs in a real way, rather than a superficial like on the newest post so they’ll click over here.

  35. I’m new to your blog and I Loved what I saw, so far.
    Congrats, you have Great photos!… Looking at your work made me realise how much I have to learn.
    I’ll follow your work, for sure.

  36. Hi Dmitrii, just wanted to say thank you for checking out and liking my Fell’s Point post. I’ve been around your blog and I think it’s incredible. You’re very talented. I’m bias toward the Key West and DC photos since I was married in Key West and I live in Maryland but everything I’ve seen is amazing. Looking forward to more. Take care.

      1. Yeah, yeah, Dmitrii.
        “…and life itself can nothing more provide / than for us to plan our projects and to die…” – Alexander Pope


  37. I found my way here because you “liked” a post of mine…so glad you did, because your photography is great! Love the ones of Oregon…I miss that state.

  38. Hi Dmitrii, Thanks for stopping by and checking out my first HDR photo! Your shots are beautiful…something for me to aspire to.

  39. Dmitrii, thank you for liking my post ‘valentine’s day’.
    You seem to be in the right spot at the right time with your photos and, in some cases, making a work of art from not much at all. Thank you for your photographic depictions of the natural and not so natural world.

  40. Your photos are so amazing I really look up to you for your range and skill. Thank you for your information as well, I learn by following great photographers who throw me scraps from time to time lol. Thank you for liking my post, it is a compliment coming from such an experienced photographer!

  41. You really do get around in your travels – how do you decide where to go next? I like what you’re doing with HDR, having fun with the look of the scenes and giving us a view of what you’re seeing.

    Thanks for ‘liking’ my post. Hope you’ll come by again.

    1. Most of it is around vacation times – we usually decide it as family where to go, some of it related to my ocasional business trips, and some related to visitong my daughter in Boston, where she is in school and doing some sight seeing around there.

  42. Hi Dmitri, thanks for visiting me at eighty wickets! It’s been a delight seeing your pictures and I’m looking forward to reading your photography advice. These are stunning. Best wishes, Merryn

  43. Hi, Dmitri, I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy seeing the photos on your blog so much that I have added it to my blogroll on Jet Planes and Coffee. If you have any objections to this, please let me know and I will remove it. It sincerely is great fun to live vicariously through your travels, especially when on those rare occasions when I am stuck at home and have to wait for the next “getaway”.
    Best wishes, Sherry

  44. Dmitrii, Awesome blog and fantastic pictures! I will have to try some HDR photography (following your directions, of course). Let me know when you make it back to the DC area. It would be great to catch-up!


  45. Thank you for liking my post, and your visit. I am glad that you visit my blog, as then I’ve got the chance to visit your blog
    I think your blog is great; I like your blog a lot, I think I can learn more about photography from you. I will follow your blog as well as link it.
    Keep on posting…

  46. Hello Dmitrii! Great story and awesome blog!!! To say I love your work is an understatement! I’ll be back as often as you post. Thanks for visiting mine so that I could find you 🙂

  47. Hi
    Thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post.

    I love your photos – there are a few places you have been that are now a must for me! I notice you have no photos of India, you really must try to visit this wonderful country, the light has a special quality about it and you are never short of subjects. I’m pretty sure that if you came once you would come back time after time!
    Dorinda (lakesideindia)

  48. Dmitri, your photos leave me breathless ! Absolutely amazing..it makes me wish to go out and quickly by everything that you keep in your bag….and then to see it through your eyes , too 🙂

    What an inspiration and delight !

  49. Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog post “Belgium Through the Eyes of a Beer Monger Gone Mad: Part 1 – Brussels” and for subscribing to my blog. I have several parts which will be forthcoming as I travel around Belgium and a stop in neighboring Holland, with my husband. If you like this article, much of our photography is showcased in our galleries that can be found on our website which can be found at http://www.landlimages.com. Stop by in your free time. And thanks again for following.

  50. Thanks for stopping by and liking my Going to China story on Solo Ship Earth. I just took a few minutes to scroll down through your posts. You have an amazing eye and have some really beautiful shots. We could have used your talents on our trip to China for sure! We got lots of snapshots, but not a lot of real art. Thanks a gain!

  51. Thanks for checking out my piece on Asbury Park. You show no listings for Texas photos – you need to get down here fast! A great place. Come visit us!

  52. Dmitrii. You do impressive work, and have built a far-ranging collection of dramatic images. The instructive material is very useful. I’ve just discovered you and there is a lot to study. Thanks for the heads up; I’ll be following you. Regards.

  53. Thanks for visiting my blog. Your photos are absolutely gorgeous. I feel like I could walk right into them. Jeez! 🙂
    I’ve forwarded the link to your blog to some friends who are interested in photography.

  54. Dmitrii, thank you so much for visiting me on my very first day of posting about our travels at https://travelthroughus.wordpress.com/. We’ve been a lot of places and will be visiting a lot more so I hope you’ll come back.. You did me a great favor because I got to look through your site and the beautiful pictures. You have great talent! –J

  55. I hate to sound like a parrot, but your photos are simply stunning, stunning, stunning. Have you ever been to Singapore? I bet you’d love it here — it’s very photogenic. 🙂

  56. These photos evoke places so well. Each seems perfect to location it depicts and makes me feel I’m there.

  57. Hi Dmitrii – Thanks for liking my blog – your work is fantastic and really inspirational. I am a novice photographer – and reading about your journey here has given me some more encouragement! I look forward to exploring your blog …

  58. Hello Dmitrii – thank you for liking my post, as it led me to your blog. You take awesome HDR images! I still have a lot to learn about photography, and it is always inspiring to see what other photographers achieve. Best of luck!

  59. Wow, you have beautiful work! I love the fact that you have pictures of everywhere! Thank you for checking out and liking my post about Palm Springs (my little, cute, pink Nikon Coolpix thanks you, too)!

  60. Hi! Thanks for liking my post on ‘An Exhausting Day’. As we left for Edinburgh, there were a number of fire engines on the main roads surrounding Bowness. Returned to see Vinegar Jones decimated by a blaze in the village square!

  61. Hi Dmitrii!
    Thanks for stopping by and liking my post “What we mean when we say goodbye.”
    You call your photography “a labor of love”. It shows.
    Best of luck to you!

  62. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Costa Rica was also an inspiration for my husband to get a better camera, and I’m so glad he did. There’s no substitute for good equipment. Our honeymoon photos were gorgeous, as are all of the ones he’s taken since. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos, and happy weekend.

  63. Hi thanks for visiting my baby blog 🙂 Your photos are truly amazing…so amazing that you are making me consider spending my whole wage on a camera 🙂

  64. Fascinating how HDR works–I had never heard of it till you “liked” my blog and I came here to see what you’re all about. Will now have to save up for later edition of Photoshop so I can edit RAW files (I’m always on the trailing edge of technology, so this may have to wait a while). Anyhow, thanks for your visit and your “like”.

  65. Hi
    thanks for stopping by my Blog recently, it’s greatly appreciated. I have just scanned through some of your pictures, they are fantastic.


  66. Dmitri, Thanks for stopping by my blog which gave me the opportunity to see your work which is, simply put… fabulous! You have to get to Alaska!

  67. Thanks for liking my blog entry on Wuzhen. Your pictures are beautiful. I’m still browsing your blog and so far I like what I see!

  68. Thanks for liking Twilight Swim, which brought me to your blog. Your photos are original, creative and diverse. I look forward to following you and viewing more of your work. — Rob

  69. HI Dimitri. I am honored that you are looking at and liking some of the pictures on my blog. I had some time on my hands the other day and I spent some serious time looking through your shots on smugmug. You take wonderful pictures. Thanks for sharing them on the web and having a look at mine. All the best!

  70. You had me at “this blog is a labor of love”! I’ll bet those old self-developed black-and-white photos are wondrous classics…I just started using my very first digital camera, and have the same difficulty with the button….I used to use simple, old-fashioned 35 mm disposable cameras and I think they take fine pics, just as good anyway…but the digital one was a gift, and it’s nice to have so many shots available, as I do get carried away! Looking forward to checking out some more of your shots…

  71. Dmitrii,
    Thanks for liking my post. But I must say your photos are simply stunning!! I love how you capture the depth and mood of each scene. I wish I’d take beautiful pictures as you! Again, they’re gorgeous. 😀

  72. Thanks for checking out my blog and liking my post on the Isle of Wight. You have some truly stunning photos on here and some very interesting thoughts to go with – thanks for sharing! 🙂

  73. Gracias!! so much for visiting my new blog and for liking my pictures, I am very new at this , and your visit is encouraging! I loved your pictures, they are great

  74. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. Your photos are amazing. Hope you’ll visit again, I know I’ll be checking you out as well.

  75. Great photos you have. Maybe someday I’ll try the HDR. Right now I am just enjoying ‘regular’ photography. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  76. Hi Dmitri,
    Thanks for visiting our “Geocaching (and More) Off the Beaten Path” travel blog. That’s how I found you. Your pictures are stunning. The ones of my native Pittsburgh are some of the best I’ve ever seen. Wow. I’ve been writing for several years now at the expense of my picture taking skills but am working to remedy that with my new Nikon D3100. Maybe some day I’ll learn how to take a picture that doesn’t have a big old sun dog in the middle of it. Anyway, I’ll be back. I’m going to link your blog on my home page too.
    Keep up the good work….Dan aka Alpha6

  77. You’ve been nominated for the One Lovely Blog award!

    Here are the steps for the award:

    Name the blogger who awarded you this fantastic award
    List 7 random facts about yourself
    Award 15 other bloggers this award

  78. nice pics. i love to travel and see different sights and observe diff cultures, but don’t get to do that as much as I like. Your photos are like my getaways while sitting at home. nice.

  79. great photos. i absolutely love the shots of the biltmore estate.

    was reading the about page and isn’t it funny how that goes sometimes – give a kid something and soon, it could become their passion. do your cousins who also received gifts of cameras at a young age have a similar passion for photography?

  80. First Class both in your camera work and Photoshop or what ever you use. I shot with a D300/D300s, but my first camera was a Kodak Instamatic when I was 16.

  81. Thank you so much for liking my recent post on Chiang Mai walking street. That is a huge compliment coming from someone as experienced as you! Your photos are amazing. When I have more time I’m going to sit down and pour over your blog!

    will be in touch!


  82. The shear amount of travelling you’ve done puts many to shame! Fantastic photos! I look forward to more as you’re adding fuel to the fire which is my desire to travel around America. Thank you.

  83. Hi Dimitrii, I love your photos so much! I nominated you for a Kreativ Blogger award. I don’t have your email to send you the details but you can see the first post on my site http://www.paprikapinot.com or you can send me an email at molly at paprikapinot dotcom. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful photographs. Best, Molly

  84. Beautiful HDR shots. It’s something I hope to do more of as well! Thanks for stopping by our blog and liking the entry on the Dead Sea. Still a novice at photo-taking and much more to learn 🙂

  85. hello,

    thanks for visiting my site. great photos you have here.
    the sunset photos captured my interests in low light photography.
    looking forward for more of your photos.


  86. Hi Dmitrii, I am in love with your photgraphy. I am pretty bad at taking photographs, speaking for myself, usually good photos I take are by fluke. I currently have a Samsung digital which seems to need a degree of some sort to operate. Thinking about getting out my Coca Cola conventional camera with film to use instead ! Thank you for sharing your art. Also, thank you for liking my blog post about peace.

  87. Great blog, Dmitrii! Thanks you liking my blog, so I could find yours. Those HD landscapes are amazing! Do you still use the Nikon?

  88. Thanks for visiting our blog and liking my post Dmitrii. I’m glad it gave me the chance to come over here and have a look at your photos; you have some amazing shots on here!

  89. Hafa Adai! Thanks for the like. I’m very new to the world of blogging so I still have ALOT to learn. I love the photos you captured. Simply breath taking..

  90. You have given me the opportunity to travel to places to which I have never been. Thanks for the fabulous trip. I must start traveling more. Breathtaking shots.

  91. Wow! I hope to get close to capturing the skies you do, while still keeping everything else full of color and with correct lighting. Still haven’t mastered that yet…

  92. Thanks for visiting and liking my post “Havoc in the Sky”. I enjoyed looking at your photos. Whenever, I want to take a trip somewhere, I’ll just come to your blog.

  93. You do brilliant photographic work, very inspiring. I’ll come back here to explore. What you wrote … I could never take a photo at the exact moment I pressed the button … sums up my gripe with digital photography. Moments, the moment I press the shutter, the exact moment, which is important to me when photographing people, gets lost. Thanks for liking my post 🙂

  94. Hi, I come from the far North and have spent quite a lot of time in Florida over the past years. I really do like your photographic work. Especially interessting I find the variety in angle, exposure and blend and how you exposure the magic of the lense.
    I’m looking forward to following you: 🙂

    Have a great day!

    Greetings from the North of Norfolk, UK
    another area of outstanding natural beauty

  95. Hi Dmitrii. I found your blog when you liked a recent post of mine. How humbling to find that you are a seasoned photographer when I stopped by your blog! Thank you!

    Your blog looks great and your photos are amazing. I too enjoy taking photos, just with my iphone, but I hope to one day get a “real camera”. Until then, I am having fun posting my Instagram photos here on WordPress.

    I look forward to reading more about your travels and enjoying your beautiful photos.

  96. Hi Dmitrii, thank you for liking my recent post on my blog, starlightaffinity.com. I am quite enjoying your blog as well. Beautiful photography!

  97. Hi! Thanks for liking my recent post. 🙂
    Your photos are really good, and I like the concept of your video! (I only watched one so far so I don’t know if all are the same) I kind of thought of making a video out of series of photos (and am in the middle of) but mine is more bits and pieces… Now I’ll shush up. 😛

  98. I love your blog, but how do you manage to find such stunning pictures every day? If I tried to post that often I know I’d be posting some pretty boring ones (Probably have!) 🙂

    1. Thanks! I don’t take them everyday… but try to go somewhere when I have a chance and take a lot of photos. Some of them end up looking interesting… I actually find it very hard to come up with 20+ photos each month. Not every month I can even post that many…Thanks for stopping by!

  99. Many thanks for the thumbs up on my own blog yesterday; very good to get an approval from someone as experienced as yourself (esp. as I have never before taken photographs). I see myself returning to your own work for inspiration.
    Best wishes from Ireland
    The Irish Aesthete

  100. Hi, thanks for visiting my blog (maedetera.wordpress.com) and liking some of my photos. I feel honored to be appreciated by a fellow photographer (a much better one!). Keep on inspiring amateurs like me! 🙂

  101. Dear Dimitri,
    I love your straightforward sincerity. All I can say is live from the heart so that your passion shines for all to see.
    All the best on your photographic journey and God bless

  102. I’ve only just discovered your page, but I got started in pretty much the same way and (almost) 365 project seems to be 2 or 3 photos for each day now. Love what I’ve seen btw 🙂

  103. The photographs are stunning. How come I didn’t find the way back here sooner! I saw you liked some of my posts. I find it encouraging, thanks 😀

  104. Your photos are eally amazing. I have a simple Canon Power Shot Elph, and the magic for me comes in the intuition and the composition while I’m making the shot. That’s all I do; the camera does the rest. Thank god cameras have become as advanced as they have. I’m lucky to get some really nice shots, and am honored so many seasoned photographers like them!

  105. You probably get this a lot, but you have some of the most breathtaking photos that I’ve seen! I have a great love of photography too, I just wish I could travel more to expand my range of photos. You are so lucky to be able to do that, I can’t wait to see more of your pictures 🙂

  106. HI Dimitri – thanks for liking my post on the chickens 🙂 and for visiting my blog – it’s awesome that someone who is an avid photographer likes what I put up. You have some really great photographs up and I was about to vote for Galata tower – mystery photo – but its tagged so there was no point in voting. You are right the views from the top are spectacular, really amazing, sadly didn’t have a useful camera with me, but the food up there is terrible. So it all balances out! All the best I’ll keep browsing your pics

  107. Big thanks Dmitrii for liking my post ‘ser·en·dip·i·ty’ and congratulations on your three years of blogging,
    each one of your photographs are stunning,
    especially loved the HDR’s.

  108. You have wonderful pictures and they speak so vividly about you and the subject/s itself. You’re outstanding and you are my favorite! Keep posting and thanks for sharing.

  109. Thanks for the like on the Trail To The River blog. Like you, I’m just trying to document what catches my eye. You have some wonderful images – thanks for sharing.

  110. Your work is inspirational! I’ve recently discovered HDR along with other effects while editing images for my blog. I’ve initially started blogging for the purpose to share my passion for design and fashion, as well as to connect with people alike; yet, lately I enjoy more and more learning about photography…There is so much to learn! Thanks for stopping by http://styling-on-the-edge.com/

  111. In absolute awe of your work!! Totally amazing!! Keep up the good work, looking forward to seeing more photos!!
    I’d really appreciate it if you’d pop over to my photography blog and give me your honest opinion on my photos, being an amateur, I am in need of professional feedback! Thank you!!

  112. Absolutely incredible work! I think we here in Chicago would be so grateful to see this city from your perspective! Thank you for sharing your amazing focus of the world with the world!!! 🙂 Cheers, Cher 🙂

  113. Great Blog! I have to admit I am envious of your travels. My goal in life is to visit everywhere. I got totally hooked on seeing the world after staying in Rome for a semester of study abroad. Blogs like this one just get me wanting to drop everything and go. How do you do it?

  114. I had my first Camera when I was 5, which was given to me by my Uncle because I was going down to London to stay with him. Since then I have had 3 cameras which have all served me well.

  115. Dmitrii, I can only hope my adventures with my D90 turn out as beautifully as yours! Your wonderful photos pulled me into your blog, and while I’ve only skinned the surface, I can’t wait to spend time visiting it and discovering all that is here. Thanks for sharing your talents!

    1. thanks, I started with D90, but upgraded it to d800 about two years ago. I still post some photos taken with D90 from my travels with it. It was a nice camera.

  116. just had a little look around your blog, your photography on here is fantastic!! looking forward to seeing more posts from you! have a good day, sabrina.

  117. Dmitrii, thank you for the opportunity to transcend my present environs (a small office on a gray New England morning) and soar like the hummingbird who just deserted our garden feeder, for a journey to milder and more appealing lands. Your beautiful photographs are indeed an escape and make me long for a road trip. I will be curious to see your photograph chronicling the state of Connecticut if you have not already posted as I have not had chance to enjoy all. Onward!

  118. Your photos are truly breathtaking. How you capture so much beauty in each picture amazes me. I am curious though, when did you first realize that photography was something you would like to pursue?

  119. Hi, there!

    I’m Jane and am an avid reader and blogger, a passion which I think we share. I’ve been writing contents on the web professionally since 2010. I share my experience through articles on Travel, Culture, History, Lifestyle and many more.

    Your blog “placesunknown.com” is probably one of the most interesting ones I’ve seen recently and with due reason. I was wondering if I could do a guest post for your blog.

    I would like to write on “Top 5 Fantastic Destinations in Australia” or any other suggested topic for your blog.

    It would be an honor to see my article published on your site.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Jane Roberts.

  120. Hi, thank you for liking my post. Your photos are truly amazing and cant seem to pinpoint which ones the best, as the next one that comes, seems to be more amazing then the previous. Waiting to see more!

  121. Dimitri thank you very much for liking water over rocks, it means a lot when another photographer likes your work especially one who takes such stunning images – I enjoyed your gallery so much.

  122. Thank you for stopping by my very new blog!
    I just peeked through your photos on SmugMug… One spectacular image after another! Beatiful!

  123. What an amazing goal, and I’m incredibly impressed by how close you are to accomplishing it. (I’ve lived in the U.S. for my entire 41 years and have visited (I think) only 18 of those states.) I always thought it would be cool to just sort of wander around the country, getting part time, menial labor jobs, with little or no baggage, in order to spend time living (and working) in each state, but alas, I’m sort of a hoarder at the same time, and so have been pretty much cemented in once spot my whole life. (Michigan) You are living my dream, and I thank you for sharing it in your awesome pictures!

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