Bar Harbor

Yesterday we had mystery photo, like most other Fridays and couple people identified it right as Bar Harbor at Acadia National Park in Maine. Very nice! Today’s photo happens to be taken at the street level at Bar Harbor on one of its main streets. Fall was in full swing and leaves had nice smell, it just asked for some memory shots.

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New England Colors

Last weekend I went to visit my daughter in the Boston area and did some exploration of the surrounding area. In most places the colors are beautiful at the moment, especially closer to the ocean at lower elevations. At the same time in the mountains of New Hampshire and Vermont most of it was gone, just grey naked trees. I did take a few photos in Vermont which I’ll try to process in the near future (another new state under my belt) and share with you guys.

Today, I’m following with another photo taken with my little handy Lumia 1020 phone. I had to lay down on the ground to take this photo, otherwise I could not compose it well. Good thing the road is one-way only, with 25 m/h speed limit and I could see and hear them coming, so there were no risk to my life as I was taking it, laying in the middle of it.

This is taken at the Acadia National Park, on the Park Loop Road, a pretty drive where you can stop at a lot of places and explorer surrounding woods, enjoy a nice hike into the mountains or to the rocky cliffs over the ocean with some spectacular views. Photo of the Sand Beach that I shared yesterday was taken from the hike on the Great Head at Acadia National Park. It appeared to be a good time to visit this park, it is pretty much end of the season and summer crowds were gone, the Bar Harbor was fairly empty, parking in the park was plentiful and very few people on the trails. Very nice time to enjoy it all. Plus you see this is in full beautiful color. Can’t beat that.

Click me!!! I'm better at high resolution!