Full Moon

A few days ago, when we had lunar eclipse. Couple hours before the eclipse.

The Rise

Moon rising over Boulder Colorado. It was a nice sight.

Full Moon

There’s a full moon rising there, believe me! There’s also a deer, believe me!

Anyone getting up tomorrow at 5am to see lunar eclipse?

Pink Full Moon, or not

Full moon they said. Pink full moon they said. Tonight is the night they said. Well, there were no moonrise tonight here in Boulder. I went up high in hopes to see an epic moonrise, as it was supposed to happen about 18 minutes before sunset. I know this place on the Lion’s Lair trail where I can in a span of about 200 feet have nice view to the west and to the east. So we had pretty decent sunset. First shot. No moonrise. Second shot. I ran back and force to each spot taking shots at sunset and hoping that moon would break through those clouds.

In the end its a good hike, my 53rd, to Mount Sanitas, as always, no matter what weather throws at you!

White Sands Full Moon