Mt Yale

It was very hazy morning when I climbed up to Huron Peak in early September 2021. Mt Yale to the left, and I think middle one is Princeton and way far back on the right is Antero, but might be mistaken on those.

Part of my art collection of Colorado 14er from another 14er. Hope you enjoy it.

The Three Apostles

The Three Apostles, Ice Mountain and Lake Ann. View from the Huron Peak.

Lake Ann looks like a nice destination, with probably nice view of the Huron Peak.

I chatted with another hiker while at the summit, he said that doing Three Apostles is good in the winter…

You can now collect some of my selective art as NFT.

Huron Peak

The fourth 14er on my three day climbing spree was the Huron Peak. I slept in and started bit after 7am, so got up to the summit in full morning sun, still happen to be first one, with couple other folks showing up about 30 minutes later.

Great hike with awesome views. On the photo to the right is La Plata Peak…all the way back.

Huron being one of the lowest, I had to jump up to add a few inches and see if air bit thinner…😃

If you can drive up all the way to the trail head, highly recommend, otherwise add additional few miles to your hiking. @t.the.yota got me there and allowed some comfy sleep as well…