Friday Mystery Photo

No Ads for Now

As you might noticed, there are no more ads on my site. For the last two month I had them on to see what type of money it will bring. Even though I had no control over the type of ads, had no control over where they are shown, I just wanted to see if it will bring at least enough to cover the web hosting costs. Well, the results are in and I have to say that the earnings were pathetic, a few dollars every month. Almost embarrassing how little money their ads are paying. It seems like the site would need to have ten times more visitors to make measly 20-25 dollars per month, which would then cover all the different costs I have with running this blog.

So for now I turned it off. I feel like those ads were getting in the way on the blog for very little value. Ten or so bucks that it earned will have to seat and wait till they make this service a bit more flexible for me to control how to show those intrusive ads and till I have many more visitors. Not sure when that day will come.

The Most Beautiful Beach in the World?

We are back with Friday Mystery Photos, and today are traveling to this beautiful place. Doesn’t it look like the most beautiful sand beach in the world? It sure did when I hiked in that area and came to this view. I wonder if it is actually have some rating on the “most beautiful list”, can’t seem to find it. But of course you guys have to identify it first!

I took this photo with my Lumia 1020 phone. The high resolution image is nice 7712 pixels wide, pretty darn nice for big screen displays.

Saturday Update: A few folks suggested that it is in Maine and that it could be at Acadia National Park, but no one actually identified the beach by its name, which is Sand Beach! Till next Friday!

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