Sweets Candy

Snowing in Arizona

Prior to yesterday I have never been to Arizona and always imagined it as super hot place with year around desert type of climate. How wrong. The northern part of Arizona is nothing but not desert during winter season. Today I had one of the most treacherous drives in a long time. On our way to Flagstaff the higher we climbed the more snow was on the ground and the more snow was coming down from above, and the driving was not getting any better, as some moron was driving about 20 cars in front of us with flasher lights on, at about 15-20 mph, I’m sure knowing that 20+ cars are behind him, and didn’t have decency to pull out and let everyone through and not dragging 15 miles of driving to more than 60 minutes of complete annoyance.

Anyway, Flagstaff and northern Arizona is under complete whiteout, totally unexpected for me. New experiences!

River Street Sweets Candy

From cold and snowy to something sweet and tasty. If you ever come to Savannah then make sure to walk by the River Street and explorer many stores and eat some food at a few restaurants. If you are into clubbing, then I believe they even have those as well.

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